Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Helpful Information for Women in Higher Education

Hostile Environment for Women Professors

From its early start, the idea of coeducation has had its differences. Women overcame their struggles of attending coeducational courses which were designed primarily for the feminine gender at Oberlin College. What later prevailed was a model of mixed classes for which both men and women could study a curriculum that was earlier only for men. Alarmingly, the earlier models of mixed classes were instructed entirely  by men teachers.

One would think that 50 percent of women constituting the student body globally, that they would show a greater number in the professoriate population. Not so , males continue to take a lead in this arena. This is unlikely to change  in the very near future. As a matter of fact, a mathematician at Zurich University has calculated that at its current rate, it will take 11,406 years before women make up half of the institution's professorial staff. Encouraging news from Harvard University predicts that it will take only 40 years to show parity.

Even statewide progress is quite slow. Findings from a detailed analysis survey revealed the percentage of growth as follows:

1988 - Women constituted 17 percent of the total professoriates and 8 percent of full professors
1995 - A later figure stood at 10 percent for Yale and Michigan universities, 11 percent for Harvard, 12 percent for Princeton and the University of Wisconsin in Madison, and 13 percent for Sanford, Brown, and Columbia.

The above excerpt comes from my book titled Diverse Issues Of Women Professoriates (p. 34-35).
For more information regarding this publication go -

Clarice Marlene Grantt, Ph. D.

Facts to help pass the 2014 RLA GED Test

Spiritual Reality

Marlene's Ministry Corner
We all need that just right spiritual uplift to inspire and propel us. I have selected this for your gratification and spiritual enlightenment. A daily dose will keep you tuned to your continued and progressive walk with God! This can only be done by your daily commitment and practice. Initially you may see this a  chore that you just cannot fit into your day. Daily practice will lead you to a desire to fulfill an internal need creating a more intense walk of faith. This can further shift you into a sanctification through the Holy Spirit, that coming through Christ our Lord and Savior. May I suggest that you read  Romans 10: 9-10 to fully understand and be transformed.